3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Relationship Challenges The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024

The week of July 22 may challenge three zodiac signs' relationships. While it may seem clear that keeping secrets would hurt your relationship.   

Pluto, the god of the underworld, can purge your soul of its darkest secrets, just like it may do for your relationship.   

But healing is possible. You must distinguish between reality and worries because they both make up your truth.  


Do some journaling to determine what is real and what is a wound. This can help you ground yourself before exploding or talking to avoid projecting your concerns onto your partner.  

You can't avoid love and expect it. It's hard that all this hurt is coming back, but you can overcome it to get the love you deserve.   


Libra, you may be finally seeing the light in this connection even though it seems pointless. You are encouraged to try new things and move to where your soul feels at home.

Even if you convinced them, they would bring you down and make it about them, while this age should be about you.   


You've tried your hardest, but you're not recognizing how much you can control your life and produce. Despite your belief, you always have a choice.   

Take time for yourself throughout the week of July 22—meditating, grounding, or sleeping—to feel your best as the truth emerges. P  

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