Everyone texts differently. Some people reply a million times in a group chat, whereas others prefer voicemail.
This tool makes answering or asking a question easy, but some people turn these messages into 14-minute podcasts that go on forever.
Think about it, your posts are very similar to your own, so sending messages may only result in some signatures being requested
I love this busy, quick-thinking, and sometimes stressed-out person because it's a hands-free way to yell at your phone all day.
Instead of responding to texts, they record and talk for 10 minutes, often without pausing.
Geminis will happily leave repeated 10-minute voice messages all day. Mercury, the planet of communication, makes this air sign chatty.
Another Mercury-ruled sign, Virgo, sends the longest voice messages. The audio button lets them have a one-sided podcast-like conversation instead of texting or calling.
Capricorn likes sound. They don't like gossip and are too busy to join a noisy group chat, but they're great at opening up via voice messaging.
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